We are interested to hear our community's views and receive your feedback. 

Our annual survey helps us understand any need for changes.

We will be most grateful if you can spare a few moments to complete the short survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r...

Medical Drives

Our wonderful team of volunteers provide transport to medical appointments in Thames, Hamilton and Tauranga. They ensure a safe and personal experience, picking up and dropping off our passengers, assisting them in and out of the vehicle and providing companionship during the journey. Our medical drives are offered by donation. 

Medical Drives can be booked by calling 07 865 7065 or emailing info@communityservices.org.nz

We will ask you for your appointment details, NHI number and any requirements you may have.

Please use the form below to enquire about this service

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{{errors.first('rs-e68d-fc65-082f', 'rs-e68d-a5df-f953')}}
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{{errors.first('rs-e68d-fc65-1474', 'rs-e68d-a5df-f953')}}

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