We're part of your community too

Marcomms Manager - Jess Morrison

Hello my name is Jess, I came to New Zealand to live in 2019 having spent 2018 travelling India and Nepal. I always knew New Zealand would be my home since touring here on family holidays.

My role includes Marketing and Community Development, Financial Mentoring and OSCAR Kids Club Coordinator. I have been working at the Community Services since November 2021.

I love being a part of helping this community and I am proud of all the services we provide.

My joys in life are my twin girls, art and painting and the coast.

Takawaenga - Errol Gilbert

Kia ora tena koutou tena koutou tena koutou katoa
Ko Errol Topia Gilbert taku ingoa
Ko Tunaiti te maunga
Ko Otahu te awa
Ko Te moana a Toitehuatahi
Ko Uru Ngā Wera te hapu
Ko Ngati Pu te Iwi
Ko Whangamata te whenua
Ko Tainui te Waka
Tihei Mauriora

Kia ora I have lived in Whangamata for 35yrs I met my wife of 22yrs here in Whangamata and we raised 3 children 2 girls and 1 boy during that time, our oldest is 20yrs old, our Son is 19yrs and baby girl is 17yrs.

We also have 2 mokopuna from our oldest girl who lives in Paeroa, for many years my wife and I have been involved in School sports, kapa haka and conservation projects i.e., (Opoutere kura)

We are community minded and hapu mahi, I have worked with Rangatahi ( youth) over 15yrs mostly through rugby and recently with Toku Ara Opoutere a year 10 confidence and resilience program.

My role as Takawaenga, which means (mediator and connector) and is to help whanau to feel comfortable and safe to use our services and to bridge the cultural gap between community services and whanau.

Nau mai haere mai Ngā mihi nui

Whānau Support / ISR / Community Connector - Heleene White

Kia Ora My name is Heleene White.

I have been working at the Community Services since 2019.

In my role I support and advocate for whanau in a range of areas including but not limited to, family harm, food support, Community Connection.

My mahi is to empower Whanau to confidently navigate services, whilst creating opportunities to develop life skills to ensure their ultimate wellbeing.

In the Family Harm space I work along side both the Victim, Perpetrator and Whanau to ensure the safety and wellbeing needs are meet for everyone.

As a wrap around support for whanau, I present the ‘Seasons for Growth’ program to Tamariki experiencing difficulties as well as Parenting Programs.

My passion is ‘People and Place’ connecting the two.

I am fortunate to live in Whangamata with my two Tamariki, we love everything this amazing place has to offer and utilise the incredible beach and bush.

Counsellor - Moira Shorten

Tena koutou katoa, 

I am Scottish but have lived in New Zealand in rural South Auckland for over 30 years.

I have recently moved to live permanently in Whangamata after several years of holiday visits.

I am a trained counsellor and have been a member of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors since 1997.

I have worked with children, adults and particularly teenagers as a school counsellor and in private practice. I have undertaken training in child mental health and psychotherapy practice. I also offer supervision for counsellors and others in the helping professions.

I am married with three adult children and 7 mokopuna.

Counsellor - Adrian Latta

My name is Adrian Latta. I have been a counsellor for 20 years, and have worked with a broad range of clients, and presenting issues, from high school students to court mandated offenders.

I was born and raised in southland, and my early working life included being a shed hand, a farm hand, driving machinery and doing silviculture for the NZ forest service.

My interests include music and cycling. I played in bands for a few years semi-professionally and managed to win several cycle races.

I met my second wife 12 years ago and we decided to move to the beautiful Coromandel, which had always been a dream of mine. I like to go to the beach when I can, either to play in the waves or catch the odd fish.

As a counsellor I am passionate about assisting people to process difficult life events and to reach the potential that best fits them.

Community Vehicle and OSCAR Kids Club - Clarissa Gatbonton


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